How Liberty Dies


The following story is a sad one for any number of reasons.

The couple own their house and their land. It stands to reason that they should be able to do anything they want with it. Ah, not so much.

As long as you own something that can be taken away from you by the government, then it isn’t really yours.

“I own my home.” No. No you do not.

The moment you violate some petty law or ordinance or forget to pay your taxes to the government they can step in and take it from you.

There is no sense in crying about it. You gave the government the authority to do so. How? Because, you didn’t say no. It is the law of unintended consequences. The law was probably meant for some other purpose originally. “We don’t want an eye sore in our community.”

Hence, the story of the day.

Some Southern California cities fine residents for watering their lawns too much during droughts.

But in Orange, officials are locked in a legal battle with a couple accused of violating city ordinances for removing their lawn in an attempt to save water.

The dispute began two years ago, when Quan and Angelina Ha tore out the grass in their frontyard. In drought-plagued Southern California, the couple said, the lush grass had been soaking up tens of thousands of gallons of water — and hundreds of dollars — each year.

They said they were trying to do something good for the environment.

Wow California what is more important to you?


This is why California is green but not really.

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