Minecraft Weirdness

The follow picture is a building I have constructed in Minecraft. I sealed up the building when I created it. The only way inside is by going through doors you have to open (they are not automatic). My question is how do horses end up on top of my structure? There is no logical way for them to be up there and yet, there they are.

Vacation 2017 – July 8, 2017

The Plan…

This is the last full day of vacation in the great state of Georgia. We are planning to see a couple of sites today along with some kitten rescue work/relocation. Tonight we plan on having dinner at Ate Track. They feature a bunch of eight track players all about the restaurant. I plan on taking a ton of pictures while there.


Vacation 2017 – July 6, 2017

The plan…

Today, a friend and I are planning to visit an eatery that features grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. After that, the plan is to go to Guitar Center (I’ve never been to one) and look at some audio equipment.

The reality…

We actually went to Tom + Chee and I had a most excellent sandwich. Crispy Garlic Chicken. Highly recommended. We stopped at a potential site for a hike as well. Those pictures follow…

Vacation 2017 – July 5, 2017

The Plan…

Today, my friend and I plan on visiting Kennesaw Mountain. They keep a national battlefield park there that I’d love to see. Someone made a joke last night that PA has more rich historic places to visit but this area is amazing! I had no idea that they filmed so many movies in this area. Cartersville gives tax breaks for the movie industry or some such thing. (Update: Did NOT visit Kennesaw but did visit a couple of other sites)

So far, this vacation has been so relaxing and wonderful.

Taking some time away from your job every now and then is something I should have been doing for a long time. I usually just take vacation and stay around the house.

I’ll add photos as the day progresses or at. the end of it.

The Reality…

My friend and I drove to some interesting sites instead because it got really hot outside, really fast.

Update: Some highlights from today…

Vacation 2017 – July 3, 2017

The Plan…

Today I am taking a road trip with my friend Kimberly.

I have no idea where we are going but that is ok. I plan to take a bunch of pictures.

I am also told that the local grocery store has a bar in it. No doubt, I will get pictures of that too.

Later this evening, we are going out to dinner somewhere and meeting up with some old friends.

From me podcast days, me thinks.

I’ll update this as the day goes on.

The Reality…

The first place we went to was a big chicken attached to a KFC. This won’t be around much longer (they are closing, I believe)

After that, it was breakfast at Marietta Diner. This place was huge and also as a point worth noting, they had a bar.

The next stop was taking a trip around the new Atlanta Braves stadium.

Then, we took a whole bunch of pictures of the old houses around Cartersville.

And then, we went to the biggest grocery store on the planet. Ok, at least Georgia, perhaps.

Ya’ll (Had to do it) cannot visit Cartersville without seeing the courthouse where they film all of the courthouse things in the movies.

We didn’t get any pictures of Henry’s. That is where we ate dinner.

Vacation 2017 – July 2, 2017

The Plan…

July 2nd is a pretty significant day for me. It is my 50th birthday. I don’t feel any older or different and I think when we all get to this age, we’d like to think it will stay this way until the end of time.

We plan on going to the lake at some point.

The Reality…

I stayed around the house yesterday and hung out with one of the ladies I am staying with. It was fun trying to break MacOS 13 while listening to her speak in French (her day job requires it).

Everyone sees me noodling at a computer and associates that with being “bored” but I am never board. Even if I am not socially engaged, my mind is always thinking about something.

We ended the day with a quick run to a nearby Lake. I’ll attach a picture or two at some point.

A nice quiet day.

Perfect vacation so far!