Golden Rules of Parenting

  1. Teach your children to NOT be victims.
  2. Teach your children to be fiercely independent/interdependent.
  3. Allow them to discover their own spirtuality.
  4. Teach your children to be responsible for their own actions.

If you do those three things, your child will grow up to be an exceptional person.

Update: The last entry was suggested to me by a co-worker so I added it to the list. I think my original thought process was to assume that this dovetailed into number 2. She did not agree and looking back at it, she is probably correct.

Weekend Crap

It has been a sad weekend.

  1. John McCain died.
  2. Neil Simon died.
  3. The show “The Big Bang Theory” is finally ending and the folks at The Guardian couldn’t be happier.

The US network CBS has announced that the 12th series of The Big Bang Theory will be the last, apparently because Jim Parsons was finally ready to leave the show. Producers have promised an “epic creative close” when the series ends in May. After that, The Big Bang Theory will be dead, and nobody will be sad.

via The Guardian

Gutenberg – Day 16

If anything qualifies as “drive by blogging” this post will be it. I am getting used to the new Gutenberg interface and in most of the ways that matter, it is awesome. For those who don’t know, Gutenberg is the new WordPress writing interface. It have not been officially released but you can download a plugin to get started today.

There is one thing I do not like and that is the fact that the categories are not in alphabetical order. I have tons of them and finding the one I am looking for takes a lot of time. Hopefully, they’ll add an ascending or descending sort to it before it goes live.


At least we can honestly say that almost no one was left out of this year’s flooding.

The biggest casualty from this flood is our Comcast Business modem. It would have survived if the tech who installed it didn’t put the AC/DC power convertor on the floor instead of inside the IT cage.

Sunday morning, a Comcast technician stopped by and upgraded our modem from a 100mb capacity to the newer 400mb capacity. The internet was back up in about 30 minutes.

The remainder of the week will be spent cleaning up the items that were either on the floor or on low racking close to the floor.

Things could have been much worse. The last time we flooded the building owner installed an internet cage to house all of the important electronics and also built a shelf for the washer and dryer to sit up on. They are commercial grade and we lost both of them during the last flood. We ended up making out better because the newer units are fabulous.

Note: I’ve used the word fabulous three times today so far.

Vacation – Part 2

This will be a 4 part event. I’ve already taken a solid week off last month. This month, I’ll take another week and then a week in August and then September before we head into “peak” season.

This is the first year that I’ve taken the vacation I’ve been given. I usually have so much going on that I don’t really get to take the time.

I am grateful for it. I have a boss who likes to see his employees take some time away to refresh the batteries.

I am really torn between writing music or writing short stories. Music may win this time. I have some song ideas I’d like to explore and write.

April Update

Well, a whole lot of stuff is going on around here this month. Minecraft is taking up a lot of my free time but I am going through a bunch of audiobooks in the process. I am also reading Kindle books too.

I listen to books while I’m building a world in Minecraft. It works.

I plan on keeping notes on work related stuff as we go into a major upgrade. This is exciting for me. I love updating software so this is right up my alley. More on that to follow…

Come on warm weather!

So 10 Days Later…

I haven't posted anything on here for 10+ days.

There is a good reason for that.

Ok, no there is not.

I have a new day time work schedule so maybe that has something to do with it.

Two Things That Piss Me Off

The lady that puts her hazardous lights on, gets out of her mini van in the middle of a busy road to collect mail from a roadside mailbox. The problem is that the lady doesn't just grab the mail and move along. No. She stands there in the road looking at each piece of mail. Hopefully, one day someone will run her fat ass over.

The media (call it mainstream if you'd like) but the media in general really pissed me off over this Sandy Hook school shooting. How many facts can you get wrong? Not only that but the sensationalizing and glorification of an evil cold-blooded child killer is wrong on any planet you may find yourself on. The media should be ashamed of itself for the way it covered this tragic event. Shame on you and I hope you burn in hell you pathetic pieces of shit.

Wow. I feel better.

Yes. Someone still needs to run the fat ass mail lady over. It just needs to happen.

Under The Influence

I’ve written a small skit last month and while writing this thing I was also putting down a few Lagers. The piece ended up being very funny and everything about it just clicked.

I’ve written another piece along the same lines this month except that now, I’ve written it without the influence of alcohol and the piece doesn’t seem to be as good as the other one. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s still good work but something feels like its missing.

I’m cutting out the beer because of the amount of calories and the amount of fat its given me. I’ll just have to get used to writing without it and hope it all works out in the end.

Who knew?

The Latest

Working on my podcast websites at the moment is leaving very little time to write anything on my own website.

Looking forward to a solid three days to get a bunch of programming, writing, and other things accomplished.

I’ll get back to writing regularly again sometime soon.

So much to do and very little time to do it in…
